Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Boat Plans And Kits | Boat Interior layouts

Boat Plans And Kits

Gday all,
Hope youve had another great week as we have.

"World on Water" Latest Global News

In the latest edition of "World on Water" we go back to the Americas Cup 12 Metre yacht era 1956-87 for shots of these beautiful yachts, the 2011 Trofeo S.A.R. Princess Sofia MAPFRE Regatta in Palma, the finish of the Barcelona World Race in Barcelona, the 2011 SAP 505 World Championships at Hamilton Island Australia and finally the 2011 STAR South American Championships in Argentina. Truly a GLOBAL sailing news report for last week.

Fast action and great sailing this week on the World on Water. Check it out on our website.

Laying out your Boat Interior
When laying out an interior arrangement, whether it is for a cabin boat, day boat or even a fishing boat, you need to ask yourself “How is this space going to be used?”

A well laid out console
What different activities or functions are going to take place, and how do they relate to each other? Which functions will happen more often and which are more important to the smooth workings of the boat?  Look closely at the boats definition or specifications, where the boat will be operating and what it needs to be able to do. Then diagram these functions or activities to show how they relate to each other. Activity flow diagrams show which functions relate to one another. Areas in the boat that relate functionally should be located to create accessibility and unrelated areas should be located to minimize interference.

As an example, let’s pick an activity related to the area you are designing or laying out. Here we’ll choose an activity that you can do in your own home, making sandwiches for four because we’re designing or laying out a galley. Have on hand the supplies you need and have them in their proper storage places. As you perform the activity, write down every single hand and body movement and action.

The list would start something like this:

1/ Walk to refrigerator

2/ W/ right hand, pull handle to open the door

3/ W/ left hand, reach in and remove bread

4/ Put bread on the counter next to the refrigerator

5/ W/ left hand, reach in and remove cold cuts

6/ Put cold cuts on the counter next to the refrigerator

7/ W/ left hand, reach in and remove mayonnaise

8/ Put mayonnaise on the counter next to the fridge

9/ Close fridge door w/ right hand

10/ Carry bread, cold cuts and mayonnaise to counter area

11/ Walk to utensil drawer (Count the steps required as individual movements)

12/ Open drawer w/ left hand

13 Reach in and remove a spreading knife w/ right hand

14/ Close the drawer w/ left hand

15/ etc etc

Here we are at 15 movements and we haven’t even started to make the sandwiches yet! This activity sound simple, but it takes time to complete because you are becoming aware of each and every hand and body movement. Something to note though here, you’re completing this activity in your own home which sits static, in other words, not moving. In a moving boat, no doubt you can add more movements depending on the sea conditions at the time.

The key is actually doing it because there are always aspects of our activities that we take for granted. Drawing a diagram with lines between locations of each step (as shown above), shows the movements involved.

When you look at the activities step by step, you begin to see how to improve a layout and understand its importance.

After completing your task and list, apply what you’ve done in your kitchen to an area of your boat. You may find that you’re fishing storage areas are to far apart or that your helm station is awkward and hard to access storage areas relevant to driving the boat. You may find it very difficult to deploy an anchor with the current deck layout. Overall, you may find yourself doing a task and asking yourself “Where is my third arm?” Difficult or uncomfortable movements indicate problem areas in the layout. Ask yourself. “Where else can tools, equipment, or surfaces be located?”

The number of steps or movements can be minimized by locating tools and surfaces appropriately when designing a new work area. Knowing every hand and body movement involved in an activity as well a specific tools, will provide essential information. Ask yourself “How can I simplify the movements or ease the task at hand?” Laying out your boat, minimize the movements relating to all your fishing equipment, tools to repair an outboard or anything else that you can think of. Once you’ve gone thru your layout to minimized the movements as mentioned, it’s when you’re finally out there everything you’ll find that everything will operate smoothly

Hope this helps and have fun with your boat layout !

Tonys Cruise Control 5.2
On the way home from Brisbane, we managed to find time for a quick stop to visit Tonys Cruise Control 5.2. It was great to meet both Tony and Karen finally in person and, also have a chat about their boat. It was great also to see the Cruise Control design for the first time "in the flesh". Wow, its big ! Tony was about to give his Cruise Control 5.2 its final coat on the bottom plate when we arrived, but by the time you read this, his boat will be getting rolled over to begin the interior glassing and fit-out. 
Overall, his boat looked AWESOME!!  Just wish it was rolled over so I could have jumped inside ! 

You can see more of Tonys Cruise Control 5.2 in our BoatBuilding Forum
For more information about the Cruise Control 5.2 or any other of our range of designs,
please visit our website

Phils RipTide 457

We finally got some new pictures of Phils Riptide 457.
Phil got delayed for a while due to the aftermath of the Brisbane floods so now that hes now all caught up, we look forward to seeing more of his build over the coming weeks. We had hoped to catrch up with him whilst in Briso, but unfortunatly didnt have the time.
Next Time !!
You can see more of Phils RipTide 457 in our BoatBuilding Forum
For more information about the RipTide 457 or any other of our range of designs,

please visit our website

Grahams SportzMaster 19

On the way home from Brisbane , we dropped in to visit Graham and Helen and to see their SportzMaster 19. All I could say was WOW ! What a sweet looking boat ! After crawing around the outside, I finally climbed inside. Damn, Grahams photos do not give it justice as to just how big this boat is ! Its bloody huge ! As I couldnt stay for long, but we yakked about his boat for a while, swapping a few ideas around as to what he wanted in the design. Looking forward to his launching !

Overall, it was great to catch up, just wish I didnt forget to bring my camera with me to take a few pictures, but I will next time thats for sure.

You can see more of Grahams SportzMaster 19 in our BoatBuilding Forum
For more information about the SportzMaster 19, or any other of our range of designs,
please visit our website

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See you next week with our latest weekly news and other articles !
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