Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

Plywood Boat Plans | Australian Builders Plate

Plywood Boat Plans

How many times when webstalking the net looking for a boat to build, have we found a design, purchased plans and built the boat only to find that its not Australain Builders Plate compliant. Over the past 12 months, I had so many calls from people who have built a boat, where they purchased the plans from the US or other only to find that they cant register it or sell it.

Personally I find this interesting, as the crux of the ABP has been in since 2006, yet people still continue to purchase plans without understanding the registration requirements.

Here in QLD, you can register your boat without an ABP, but what happens is when you tick the box "No ABP", your registration application is suspended and you must forward it to MSQ (Maritime Safety Queensland)
On recieving your application, a MSQ officer will inspect your boat for safety and may even check it structurally and if satisfied, you boat will be registered. But he will NOT PROVIDE  the information for the ABP. The officer will then notified you that you can NEVER sell your boat without an ABP and if your do, you will be fined up to $5000. (This has already happened where a person sold his boat interstate on Ebay into NSW) In other words, you must find someone who can measure, calculate and provide the required information for your boat to sell it.
Check your state first and whats required 

Over the years, Ive seen many a builder hit a brick wall in regards to the ABP, where they try to contact the designer on forums, only to be totally ignored or unanswered or told its not their problem and they must contact someone within Australia. ,  So they decide to attempt it themselves, but without fully understanding the standard and its requirements, ends in total frustration resulting in "fudging" the figures as a way to get around the "problem"

Now, heres food for thought:
On the plate, its YOUR NAME that is etched on, not the designers. This means that YOUR RESPONSIBLE for the correct information. False information can result in a fine of up to $5000.
If your involved in an accident causing grevious bodily harm or death and your boat is found to be "non-compliant" ....the relevant authorities are going to slam you.

Its up to you what you decide to do, but for safety sake, dont fudge figures. The lives of your loved ones and friends arent worth the risk.

Overall, standards such as the ABP are becoming world wide, whether it be Europe/ Canada/ Brazil and many more. It is only the US where standards are not compulsary, nor is it followed. In other words..not ABP compliant.

So, no matter what you decide to build, youll need to look at what is supplied with the plans or, will the designer supply the required information for your boat. Many will not as Ive seen over time. So this leaves you with only one option. Find someone who can do the job for you.

Be aware though that the industry as a whole, Surveryors/ Nav archs etc, charge for ABP calculations approx $1200 - $2000. (pending the size of the boat)  In many cases, this can exceed the cost of  your boat in materials. !!

Like I said previously, what you do is up to you, but please do your homework first and more importantly...contact your states Maritime Authority so you know where you stand and whats required.

Below Ive provided more information regarding the legislation plus also FAQ by builders. Please clink the link below to view more and how it effects you:
Australian Builders Plate info and FAQ

Mark (MRINA)

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